Judging a Client’s Workers’ Comp Risk

BIG NEWS for staffing companies when judging a client’s workers’ comp risk

Starting in 2017 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will require your clients to have their internal reports of work injuries and illnesses posted to a public website. Despite the pushback from some clients, who consider it “shaming,” this should prove a benefit to staffing companies. The public website posting would apply to your clients in hazardous industries, which comprise a fairly long list, including manufacturing and construction. In other words, occupations that many staffing agencies provide for their light and heavy industrialized clients.

Some staffing clients are not happy about injuries being made public, and one possible impact will be that some clients may STOP sending their high-risk positions through staffing agencies. A HUGE PLUS FOR KEEPING YOUR WORK COMP RATES LOW. Traditionally some clients would transfer the risk to a staffing company without having to address their safety issues. But thanks to the OSHA public reporting, staffing companies will be able to better price the risk and adjust their workers’ comp rates accordingly.

Finally this may be a huge opportunity to reach out to your clients and provide safety workshops and seminars so their work places become safer environments for their permanent employees and your temporary employees. A real win-win.
Your workers’ comp carrier including your professional employer organization (PEO) can help you leverage this information to properly price your risk and maintain your level of safety.

Visit our web site at www.StaffingCompSolutions.com, call us at 202-302-1212, or email us at david@StaffingCompSolutions.com for more information about all our staffing and workers’ comp offerings.

David Schek

Common Mishaps Lead to Serious Injuries

Accidents happen. Even in the safest workplaces, everyday hazards can lead to serious injuries. Despite headlines that describe tragic industrial accidents, it might surprise most employers that slips, trips and falls, usually avoidable, can cause the most serious work injuries and even permanent disability.

These types of injuries can cost employers hundreds of millions a year and result in lengthy recovery times for employees. Something as minuscule as a spill or an un-even surface can lead to a slip or trip. A serious fall can cause back and neck trauma, not to mention a possible concussion.

As an employer you have an obligation to maintain a safe work environment and remind your permanent and temporary employees about every day safety hazards. This includes telling employees to be aware of their surroundings and act accordingly if there is a potential safety issue. The video below shows everyday hazards that employees might tend to ignore at their peril and those of their colleagues.


While this video tries to drive this home in a light-hearted manner, the hazards are real and should get your employees thinking about what they can do to maintain a safe workplace, even if all it takes is picking up a broom. Your workers’ comp carrier, including your professional employer organization (PEO), can help you instill a culture of safety within your temporary workforce. Work Comp Staffing Solutions can introduce you to the best PEO’s and work comp specialists.

Visit our web site at www.StaffingCompSolutions.com, call us at 202-302-1212, or email us at david@StaffingCompSolutions.com for more information about all our staffing and workers’ comp offerings.

David Schek

Scared Safe: A Video is Worth 1,000 Words

Sometimes our temporary employees can forget that even though a job is temporary, a work comp injury can be permanent and last the rest of their lives. Lack of training, attentiveness, and failure to follow safety protocols can lead to the more severe injuries.

All staffing companies should demonstrate best practices and have a thorough/comprehensive safety program to eliminate or reduce workers compensation injuries. A picture, or several, is worth thousands of words. Below is a link is to a short (and very graphic) video that reminds temporary workers of the possible permanent consequences of a work accident.


While I appreciate this video is very graphic regarding the consequences of work accidents, if you share it with your temporary work force, it may scare them into safe work habits and practices that will last a lifetime. Your workers’ comp carrier including your professional employer organization (PEO) can help you instill a culture of safety within your temporary workforce.

Visit our web site at www.StaffingCompSolutions.com, call us at 202-302-1212, or email us at david@StaffingCompSolutions.com for more information about all our staffing and workers’ comp offerings.

David Schek

E-Platforms Can Eliminate Payroll and Workers Compensation Costs

The Newest Recruiting and Staffing E-Platforms Can Eliminate Payroll and Workers Compensation Costs– Just ask UBER

As a staffing workers compensation specialist for almost 30 years, I try to stay current on trends in the staffing and work comp industries. A huge cost savings advantage for a staffing company that UBER has pioneered, is the use of sophisticated E platforms for recruiting and staffing.

Some staffing companies and their clients are already using “Uber like “sophisticated E platforms to replicate the UBER business model. As a result of the UBER business model, the workers are classified as Independent Contractors, which lowers payroll costs and increases profits for the staffing company.

My suggestion is that all staffing owners should start to learn about these highly advanced staffing E platform providers and determine if this model is right for your company (or a portion of it.) The upside is that you could save 100% on payroll tax and comp costs like UBER does. And maybe become a billion dollar company like UBER.

Please feel free to call me at 202-302-1212 or email me at david@StaffingCompSolutions.com to be connected to one of these highly advanced state of the art recruiting/staffing E platforms. They will be glad to discuss whether their platform can help you and your clients save money and do your business more efficiently.

David Schek

Light Duty Work Can Reduce Workers’ Comp Costs

The best way to hasten the recovery of a work injury is to get an injured worker back to work as soon as possible. Light duty assignments can achieve this goal for a staffing company while minimizing temporary disability payments.

Make sure your light duty policy is clearly stated in your employee materials. Make it clear that if you have a position available and offer it to the employee, if they don’t take it, benefits and future employment may be affected. Employees also need to understand that the position isn’t available indefinitely. They will be expected, if able, to return to full or modified work.

If you don’t currently have a light duty policy program, your workers’ comp carrier including a professional employer organization (PEO) can help you put one in place that keeps injured workers productive and saves costs. Work Comp Staffing Solutions can help introduce you to the best PEO’s and work comp specialists.

Contact us or visit our web site at www.StaffingCompSolutions.com for more information about our staffing workers compensation services.

Opt Out Programs Threaten Coverage

Part of the national discussion surrounding workers’ comp is the number of states allowing employers to “opt out” of the state’s workers’ comp system. A court recently declared Oklahoma’s opt out unconstitutional, citing disparate treatment of injured workers. While this option provides employers with more flexibility, the rates are very low. Another opt-out state is Texas, a huge market where the low rates attract many employers. As a result, small employers including staffing firms, don’t have the incentive to purchase the comprehensive coverage that meets their unique needs.

The Oklahoma case may portend the demise of this option. Nonetheless, with myriad class codes and varying risks, staffing firms need programs, such as professional employer organizations to provide them with more than just the minimum coverage. Work Comp Staffing Solutions can help introduce you to the best PEO’s and work comp specialists.

Contact us or visit our web site at www.StaffingCompSolutions.com for more information about our staffing workers compensation services.